Tips to become your dog's favorite

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When you have a new dog, you are excited and want to become a friend of the dogs. In this article I share how to become her best friend.

1. Walk your dog daily and buy him/her a good strong leash. Your dog will need plenty of exercise to keep healthy.

2. Make sure to keep your dog entertained and happy. Playing games with him/her often helps to keep them busy. Most dogs like to play fetch or tug of war.

3. Give your dog space, when he/she is tired. Dogs like to be around people, but make sure not to bother them when they're trying to rest.

4. Never hurt your dog. If you do, your dog will probably be afraid of you for a short period of time. It may ruin his/her trust for you for a while.

5. Give your dog some treats once in a while. Don't give them too much because it's unhealthy. Some good times to give your dog a treat is after a walk, a game, after it goes potty, and if it obeys your command.

6. Share the dog with all the other family members. Your dog will enjoy some time away from you too. Even though you may want to keep your dog to yourself, make sure to share him/her with your other friends and family members. Keep in mind that other people may want to be your dog's favorite too.

7. Make sure you don't tease your dog either. Dogs don't enjoy being taken advantage of.

8. Keep your bedroom doors closed so your dog won't do something bad. Also make sure to keep things that you don't want to be chewed up out of their way. That way, you won't have to scold it.

9. Take your dog to the Dog Park. That way, your dog can bond and meet new friends. Your dog will also enjoy being outside and running free.

10. Remember your responsibilities as a pet owner. Make sure to bring your pet to the vet. Keep your dog away from danger and enjoy having a dog!

When you play with your dog make sure not to play, too aggressive and rough. That way, your dog and you will be safe.

Make your dog to be social. It is very important for you and for others.

Always be a leader, give him training, give some task to do, love him.

Remember dogs only need 3 things:- 1. Exercise 2. Discipline 3. Affection.

Always remember to feed your dog personally. That way, your dog can be more attached to you.

Take your dog to obedience classes. That way, your dog will listen to you more.

When you bring your dog to the park, make sure to keep an eye out at your dog and keep close to it. After all, you wouldn't want to be responsible for a dog attack.

Don't always be right next to your dog. It pays to leave them alone for a while, perhaps during sleep.

Don't tease your dog. Some dogs with temperament problems may become hostile.

If you catch your dog staring hard at another dog, be careful - he/she may be trying to dominate the other. Quickly lead your dog away.

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