How to Build a Good Relationship with a Pet

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Pets can bring love and joy into your life, and they're even better when you have a good relationship with them. If you are kind to your pet, you will get kindness and affection in return for many years to come.

1. Start building your relationship with your pet when it is still young. Animals are very impressionable when young, so take advantage of this. If you can make it love you when young, it will be much easier to continue that good relationship later in its life. To do this, play with and show affection towards your pet often. It needs to know that you will love him and play with him instead of ignoring him.

2. Play and cuddle with the pet. Let it know that when it's with you it's safe. When it comes around to cuddle you do not push it away. Touch it and pat it and remember to play games with it whenever possible.

3. Discipline your pet. As much as it loves you, it should also respect you. Don't be afraid to softly hit your pet when it does something wrong. Show it you are in charge and that it can't get away with being naughty, but do not make it scared of you.

4. Reward your pet. Give it treats every now and then, especially after it does something good. Use treats as a reward. You don't need to be stingy, but make sure your pet earns them, and don't ever reward bad behavior.

5. Make sure your pet is comfortable in its environment. For instance, keeping a pet locked up is not very good because it would be upset and then not even want to play. If you lock him up, let it be a short time. Do not keep them locked all day long, let them taste the fresh air, run around, and get some exercise. This is equally true for horses and for mice - no matter the pet, give it adequate space and time to move around freely. This will keep it healthy and happy.

6. Be friendly towards your pet. Smile and talk to it in a calm, friendly voice. Show it you are a friendly nice character.

7. Always be careful around animals. If it's not your pet or if you don't know it well, be cautious - pets can be unpredictable, and large animals can easily and unintentionally hurt you.

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