3 ways to get dogs to stop barking

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Is your beloved dog's incessant barking hurting your eardrums and annoying the neighbors? Perhaps it's your neighbors' dogs that are disrupting your peaceful evenings and preventing you from sleeping. In either case, the first step to quieting dogs' barking is to find out why they're making so much noise; after that, you'll know what action to take to get them to stop. Here's what you need to know to quiet barking dogs.

Method 1 of 3: Fixing the Cause of Barking
1. Stop rewarding the barking itself. Many owners immediately respond to the sound of a barking dog by screaming at the dog to be quiet. From the dog's perspective, his/her barking was just rewarded by attention from his/her owner. Instead of treating your dog to undivided attention when he/she barks, don't react. Similarly, don't try to get your dog to be quiet by giving him/her a treat to occupy his/her mouth. You are training your dog to bark more often, not less. You've now removed yourself as a variable in the situation, and you can study your dog's behavior to figure out what his/her real barking trigger might be.

- Try the silent treatment. Do not touch, talk to, or look at your dog as he/she barks. Your dog might be barking because he knows it will elicit a reaction from you. Don't reward bad behavior by giving him attention. If you go about your business without saying anything, he'll probably stop barking. This works especially well with dogs who were trained to bark for attention by previous owners.

- When your dog does quiet down, you can give him a reward. Immediately stop rewarding him if he starts barking again.

- This may be hard at first, especially if the barking/attention pattern has been going on for a long time. Do your best to quietly go about your business when your dog starts barking. If you need a break, take a walk or go into a room and close the door. As soon as you react, your dog will take that as a sign that he'll get attention when he/she barks, and the cycle will continue.

2. Separate your dog from things that cause him/her to bark. Close the blinds or shades or keep him/her in a separate room if he barks when people and other dogs come close. After awhile he/she may get tired of being put away every time something interesting happens.

3. Make sure he/she gets enough exercise. A walk a day is not enough for high-energy dogs. Take him/her to the dog park so he can run around and burn off the extra energy that's causing him to bark.

- If you aren't able to spend enough time playing and exercising with your dog, consider hiring someone else to do so. Dog walkers are paid to keep dogs healthy, happy and worn out when their owners can't.

4. Keep him/her warm and fed. Even if your dog is an outside dog, he/she needs a warm place to take shelter when it's cold and rainy. Make sure his/her dog house is well insulated and that he/she has plenty of food and water throughout the day.

5. Keep the dog entertained and mentally stimulated. Many dogs bark out of boredom. Herding breeds are especially needful of mental stimulation. There are toys which are made to challenge a dog mentally; look for them at pet stores or online. Consider teaching you dog a new fun trick every week.

6. Take him to the vet. Sometimes dogs don't respond to the removal of stimuli, training, or other quieting strategies because the cause of their barking is pain or anxiety that can't be addressed through training alone. If you suspect that your dog may be barking because he/she's sick, take him/her to the vet to see if he/she may have an illness that is leading to the barking.

Method 2 of 3: Training the Dog to Be Quiet
1. Gradually expose the dog to his triggers. Some dogs bark out of fear, or because they're unfamiliar with what's triggering the barking. Introducing your dog to the trigger could help him understand there's no reason to feel threatened and act unfriendly. Put your dog on a leash, so you'll be able to keep him under control if he starts wildly barking at the trigger. Start by exposing your dog to the trigger from a distance, then move closer to the trigger in stops and starts. Reward your dog with pets, praise and treats each time you stop, as long as he doesn't bark. If he does start to bark, don't reward him.

- If the dog starts barking as soon as you expose it to the trigger, you're too close to it. Start over, further away.

- The first few times you try this, your dog may need to be taken from the scene on his leash. Don't stress out if this happens: it may take your dog a few tries to figure out what you want and learn to control himself.

2. Praise the dog when he successfully gets near the trigger without barking. Wait and make sure your dog has been silent and attentive for a few moments so he doesn't think you are rewarding him for barking. Gradually lengthen the amount of time you make your dog stay silent to get his reward.

3. Try teaching him "speak" and "quiet" commands. If your dog has learned how to sit, stay and come, he can learn how to speak or stay quiet on command, too. Once he gets the hang of it, you should be able to quiet him in any scenario. Here's how to do it:

- Issue the "speak" command, and immediately encourage your dog to bark. Try mimicking dog sounds yourself to get a reaction out of your dog. Reward the dog when he barks with treats, pets and praise.

- Once he learns to speak, teach him to be quiet. Interrupt him mid-bark by saying "quiet" in a firm, calm voice. When he quiets down, reward him with treats, pets and

- Continue practicing the two commands until your dog can speak and be quiet at your word.

- Try this routine in increasingly distracting environments until you can control your dog's barking.

4. Never use negative reinforcement to quiet a dog. When you're training your dog to deal with his trigger or be quiet on command, you should never raise your voice, speak in a negative tone or spank him. These behaviors won't teach your dog to be quiet, they'll teach him to be afraid of you, and that the trigger will bring angry behavior from you. When your dog doesn't behave as you want him to, take a break for a few moments before continuing to practice training techniques.

- Some trainers say that speaking loudly actually encourages dogs to bark - they think your loud voice is your way of barking, and they want to join in.

5. Create a positive association with the trigger. If the trigger is a delivery truck or postal worker, for example, try to anticipate when the delivery is coming and give the dog treats right before it starts barking at the trigger. Keep giving it the most delicious treats you can think of until the trigger goes away. This teaches the dog that the trigger for barking is actually a trigger for treats instead, and the dog will eventually start looking for treats when it the trigger is around, instead of barking.

Method 3 of 3: Dealing with Barking Dogs in Your Neighborhood
1. Find out which dogs are the culprits. You may hear a chorus of dogs howling and barking each night, and before taking action it's important to find out where they are located and to whom they belong.

- Stray dogs may be the source of the howling. They move around neighborhoods in packs, and often incite domestic dogs to join in.

- In a neighborhood with a lot of domestic dogs, one dog can be very persuasive at getting the others dogs to join in its nightly barking ritual.

2. Talk to your neighbors. You may think it's obvious that your neighbors' dogs are posing a problem, but chances are they don't realize the noise is bothering anyone else. The first thing to do is give the neighbors a call or knock on their door and politely explain that their dogs are preventing you from getting to sleep. They may agree to start taking their dogs inside each night.

- Avoid leaving a passive-aggressive note on a neighbor's door. Notes can be taken the wrong way, so it may be best to get your point across face-to-face.

- Don't demand that your neighbors take their dogs inside. They may be less amenable to other solutions if you make demands right off the bat.

3. Suggest constructive solutions. Inform your neighbors of the reasons dogs commonly bark, and tell them how the issues can be addressed. Present the solutions in a friendly, positive way for best results.

- Tell them where the closest dog park is located in case their dogs need to burn off some energy.

- Offer to explain how to train their dogs to speak and be quiet on command.

- Sympathetically suggest that perhaps their dogs are in pain, and might need a visit to the vet to ascertain if they are ill.

- If you're willing, offer to help with the dog, such as taking it on walks, or training it.

6. Decide whether to get authorities involved. In some cases you won't be able to solve the situation on your own. The barking dogs might be strays, or your neighbors might not be willing to change their habits or train their dogs. You may need to take one of the following actions:

- Call local authorities to enforce your area's barking laws.[6] Many local jurisdictions have laws against letting dogs bark all the time. Research the laws in your area and find out if how to have them enforced.

- Call animal welfare for advice on dealing with strays. Animal welfare may help out by giving you suggestions or coming to pick up the dogs.

- Call a local animal welfare organization if you suspect one of your neighbors is abusing a dog. A dog barking because he/she is left out all night in the cold, night after night, is in a dangerously abusive situation. Call the authorities to help you deal with the problem.

5. If you're dealing with a fence barker, give it treats every time you walk by. Ask the owner first, since the dog might be allergic to certain kinds of treats. Eventually, the dog behind the fence will associate your walking by with treats and stop barking.

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